Friday, June 4, 2010

Need more information

Ok, so I don't like to get caught up on how much I weigh, because it's all a mixture of muscle v. fat, and I like to think I am building more muscle blah blah blah,

BUT!...I just weighed myself out of curiosity (in my bathroom), and I am at about 117-118! It's hard to say with that needle on the scale bouncing around like a wet noodle, but that's pre-baby weight people!

I don't know how this happened?! I just got back from vacation!!... A little birdy told me that I might have kick started my metabolism by eating a couple of nasty things then going back to eating well??? Maybe?.. I don't know. I am not asking questions.. I don't care!

Now, my scale's accuracy is questionable.. So I need to go to the gym and weigh myself on the digital scale there to get an accurate reading... hopefully it gives me good news!

I will keep you posted!..Good or bad!


  1. Good for you!!! I haven't seen 117 since...well, I can't remember when!!! I agree though, I hate weighing myself...what if I haven't pooed in 3 days, does that count??? It's hard when Joe weighs himself 75 times a day..... boo!!!

  2. Ha ha.. I know. I hate weighing.. So now Joe is just going to start measuring my body fat %.. So I don't have to think about my "weight", just my fat% so I know where I am heading and I can make sure I am building muscle and shedding FAT!
