Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 1

Ok, let's get this party started.
Today was the first official day of me officially taking my goal seriously.

I had a pretty serious workout yesterday with Joe, and I am sore as heeeellll today, but I also had KFC for dinner, so I am not counting yesterday.. because before KFC, I had an oatmeal cream pie (the shit), so yeah, yesterday doesn't count.. because after KFC, I had a zero bar, a fudge round, and a brownie...so yeah.. today is definitely day 1.. ok 1.5 because I deserve credit for my workout...

I have done ok with eating today, as in I haven't eaten anything that will give me onset Type 2 diabetes... but good not great. I had only 2 meals :/ both of them were turkey and veggies/fruit, but that's not enough food for me! I have been really busy today, and didn't make the time to make sure I ate properly.

I have a food plan that Joe gave me, and I need to stick with that!

On another note.. I ran my daily 2 miles with Leo. It was sooo hot. I could feel my thighs chaffing with the additional moisture..

I always enjoy my runs though, because all the moms in the hood walk together in the evenings with their strollers, and they always say some varied version of, "oh, we should be doing that too!.. good for you!" every time I zoom by.

It makes me question my character though, because I can't help but love the attention, and the way their envy motivates me! I start running faster just to rub it in a little more...I mean really dig it in there. omg. What is wrong with me that I feel that way?? What is wrong with me that I am admitting it to anyone who pleases to read this blog?!

I also cleaned out our closet, tidied the whole house (I cleaned it this weekend), vaccuumed all the floors, made a few important calls, made a huge announcement to the world, trimmed some shrubs at the house, did some laundry, played with Leo, made dinner, and worked on my classes.... I think I can hang my hat on that!

Oh bother.. anywho. Just ate, and am getting ready to lay down for some R&R with my loving husband.. Day 1 is a success in my book blog!


  1. Love it!! I don't think any less of you because you like people looking up to you...you're a motivation to others...you SHOULD feel good about that....BTW, I'm working like hell these next two weeks so that I don't look shlubby next to you on the boat...see there....motivation!!! :)

  2. Ha ha.. no worries there for you.. I am losing weight, but I still have extra skin on my tummy (gross) and some other things that need toning (thighs)... I dont look like I used to... YET! But I will!!!!!!!!!!!!!
