Friday, January 28, 2011

Who doesn't like a Quickie...

So, this is more of a preview post I think... I started a new job this week, and I'll be giving a run-down of how I pulled off a successful week of dieting, workouts, work, motherhood, laundry doer, chef, house cleaner, grocery shopper, and wife... I even showered. So,...that should be stupid long.

For now, I just have a few thoughts before I sleep for the first time this week... ;)
I just had a cheat meal. I am pretty sure you're still supposed to be able to breathe without popping ribs after you've eaten, so I may have overdone it, but I think I needed it.

There is something very weird going on with my body, and I can't wait to get to Joe's Swing This Kettlebell studio on Sunday and try to figure it out!... You hear that, Joe? Get ready...

Here is what is going on...

I kept the same diet as always except I added the 1/4 oatmeal to meal 1, as discussed, I felt super strong after about a week of that. Then about half way through this week, my body just started feeling strange. I can't really explain it. Energy and strength levels were ok, but I just felt kinda... deflated? I don't really know how to explain it. I felt like my muscles deflated, and my belly felt kind of bloated...So when I got home Wednesday, I weighed myself and I'm creepin' down closer to 105. oops! I tried moving my meals around to different parts of the day, but didn't make a difference. So, today I added another 1/4 cup of oats to my meals, and I think that helped a little bit, but then I just had my cheat meal, so it's hard to tell how I feel now...

Perhaps some pinches are in order? If this is just fat loss, then ok!, but if I'm losing muscle mass, I'm gonna be hot...

I had no idea it could get this complicated! To all of those who support me with your wisdom and understanding of food, I officially swear to you that I will hire a nutritionist next time!
Could I have over trained?? I took today as a rest day because my body feels wrecked... Maybe I should take tomorrow too, and just go hard on Sunday?

Do the decisions ever end??... Check back in to see how I feel!


  1. I thought I better clarify for Joe's sake.. Joe does not do my food plan for me. I have been learning about food from Joe, through discussion, for almost a year now. So, I know enough to ask very specific questions, and then Joe just clears up the muddy water for me... That's all! I just didn't want everyone callin' Joe up asking him to put together nutrition plans! He certainly has the knowledge to do it, but he is very busy being the BEST TRAINER EVER!

  2. When I was obsessively dieting/working out my senior year,I would be at a happy weight and then was eating so few calories the next week I would lose another 5 lbs. and quickly got too skinny for the way I was built. So just be careful...with working out so much, I don't want you to go down that spiral and either get too small or become too obsessed with it! It isn't a fun path to go keep up the hard work but definitely give yourself cheat days and rest days from working out! :) Not sure what your workout is, but maybe you can do less cardio and that way you won't be burning up too much?

  3. I just read this again and I am worried about you, because I am a worry wart. Just be careful and do everything in moderation! I don't want an 80 lb Whitney! Don't obsess over it. You are healthy and strong and can eat things off of your "plan"! :) :)

  4. Awe, ha... well without context, I can definitely see where it sounds like that's what is happening, but please don't be worried! This is all as it relates to the competition I have at the end of Feb! I don't do much cardio, and if I do, it's only about 20 mins. I mostly lift weights. I eat a minimum of 110 grams of protein (would be the equivalent of about 25 eggs, just to give a ball-park), 4-5 cups of veggies, a cup of oatmeal, and sprinkle in some berries, and almond butter, and a couple other goodies EVERY DAY! That's a LOT of food! More than some grown men eat lol... It's just very healthy food that helps my body operate optimally! I am only concerned about losing too fast because I want to make sure my body is losing FAT and not losing MUSCLE! It's all a balance! I can't get down to 80lbs because I have more than that in lean mass! whoop whoop!!But you are very sweet, and I feel special that you care about me!, but there is definitely nothing to worry about.. I'm healthy as a horse ;)
