So I think I'll start out these shenanigans with a confessional...
Yesterday I went to the grocery by myself. I was starving.. which I know better! You never grocery shop when you're hungry... you will throw the nastiest things in your cart.. horrible things... shameful..things.
So I am going through the produce making all kinds of great decisions, when I pass a table of small cakes. I thought they looked pretty special, but I was able to move out of dodge..
So I do a little more shopping and end up right in front of the bakery counter where they have lots of special individual little cakes and brownies and all kinds of other evil little things. At first I was just going to admire them from afar..
I looked them over appreciatively, noting the hard work that must have gone into their preparation, and wondering who decides which ones get sprinkles?, flowers?, little plastic butterfly figurines? Why are they so chocolately?.. and why is my mouth watering?? Maybe I should just get something special for me.. A special little treat for all the hard work I've done.. because nothing says "pat on the back" quite like flushing all my hard work down the toilet...
Before I know it, I have my own special tray with a giant brownie, and something called a "devil dog?" I don't even know what an effing devil dog is!!! All I knew was this special tray of mine was going to get distasterized first chance I got to be alone...ok, it didn't end there, sadly... I also picked up a slice of cake.
So I ate the cake in the car before I even left the lot. I carefully tied the bag around my remaining treats, and hid them in my car.. Yeah, I said I HID them. What kind of psycho am I becoming at this point?? Who is going to search my car for brownies?... no one. I hid those suckers like the Russians were coming..
However, I am proud to report that I confessed my sins to Joe today at the gym. Getting it out in the open helped me to take action! I couldn't let that delicious tall, dark, and handsome devil dog wrap itself around my thighs... not a good idea! So, I gave the bag to my mom. Those treats are long gone, and I am so glad.
Moral of the story: Eat before you go grocery shopping, and stay away from the bakery counter! I won't lie to myself ever again.. "Oh, I just want to look at the cakes.." NO YOU DON'T YOU LIAR! YOU'RE GONNA TALK YOURSELF INTO BUYING ONE, AND THEN CONVINCE YOURSELF YOU DESERVE IT! Well I love myself, and I owe it to ME to skip the brownies!!